But sometimes, she co-operates and gives a BIGGGG smile -

I just love her BIGGG smile - when I can see all teeth but no eyes :)
Hmmm....I really need help with the 4 picture thing. I did as suggested by my sis - Open with Microsoft Paint, reduce size by 50%, increase attributes to 3264 x 2448 for a bigger canvas to work on, copy and paste 3 times to one of the pics and finally look for little blue dot to reduce canvas size. After all that effort (plus the silly program doesn't let me adjust the pic once I move on to another pic), I get the not-balanced, unclear and small outcome above. Is there a better way to do this??? How???? Help !!!!!
For this post, since the 4 picture thing is so small, must put up another smiling photo to compensate :)
there's even an option on power point (on ms power point 2007 - lower version do not have this function), that u can save the pic under jpeg file. which mean u can paste as many picture as u want on the power point slides and then save as jpeg, and then upload tat jpeg file on ur blog. you can try, not sure how it will turn up in blog, but i did a full page of justin pic (from birth till 1++) as my desktop - this was few years back la.
Hahaa... you know what? I nver bothered with resizing the pics coz too much effort! I'm just a lazy pig lar.
Haiya lousy student lah you. The 4-pic thing fail lah - so blur, distorted and totally not symmetrical! Maybe you try Cat's method.
I m using Picasa (free download from google)
Or send me your pics and I do one multi-one for you.
Her smile is like sunshine.
BTW, i have an award for you...drop by blog when u r free ya...
Cat - Thx....I think I'll give it a try. I tried in Power Point b4 but couldn't load a .ppt file. So I copied the outcome into Paint then only uploaded to my blog. A bit mafan and also not very clear. (in my Ipoh post about the old fashioned fun fair) Will see whether I can save directly as jpeg.
Irene - I'm sure there has to be a simple way to do this! he he.. the challenge is to find it!
Chi2 - well, probably lousy student cos..... got lousy teacher!! ;) Ok, will send the pics to you and see your output.
Rachel - I've tried Picasa too. Looks ok on screen, but when I load it to my blog, it bcomes too small.
Leona - Thx for the award! Will by your blog right after this :)
Her laugh can really melt everyone's heart.. Such a happy child..:P
Hi dear, I gave you a little something on my blog which you need to "pick up"... : )
Oh..she is so adorable. I totally agree with you. Her big smile is the best!!
You may try this freeware called Photoscape. I did my photo editing from this software. Very easy to use. Click here.
Sweet smile cheers everyone's day!
Nice picture...sweet smiles from our little gal.
Inspired Mum/
Prince n princess mum / Mery- yeah, nice smile, but there's also a lot of crying in between. he he..I think I should post up some crying photos soon.
Irene - thx! Will do it soon.
MummyGwen - I downloaded it last night. Seems to work fine. Yay! Thanks, Thanks, Thanks !! :)
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