I guess it's never too late to start again, so here's her current daily schedule. (or at least quite current - this has been in my draft for more than a month now)
Approx 8am - Wake Up
8.20am - I drop her off at my parent's house which is just down the road from mine. She loves going to Ah Kong/Ah Ma's house, so I have no problems getting her to go there or when I leave. After our standard morning routine of big hug-flying kiss-and-wave bye-bye I drive off to work.
8.30 am - 9.30am - Drink Milk. Then Play time at the patio and garden. She loves to "help out" with the gardening. Ah Kong pulls out weeds, she pulls out random stalks of grass ;)
9.30 am - Bath time
9.45 -12.30 - Potter around the house/help out with more gardening/play with toys/watch little bit of tv (usually less than half hour)/ disturb ah kong/disturb ah ma/disturb kakak etc
12.30 - Justin koko comes home from pre-school.
1pm - Lunch time. Then brush teeth and wash face.
1.30 - Ah Ma brings her to the downstairs room to sleep. She normally falls asleep only around 2pm. Typical excuse - "play little while first", "want to pee first", "want to poo poo first."
Approx 3.30 pm - Wake up. Drink milk.
3.45pm - Read Books/Sing Songs/Play time with Ah Ma or Ah Kong and Justin koko.
Approx 4.30pm - Ah Ma does yoga. Sometimes, the 2 kids imitate the yoga positions. (pretty hillarious... I must remember to take photo one of these days!)
Approx 5.30 pm - Walk to nearby Playground with Ah Ma and Justin ko ko
6.30 pm -Come back. Play at the patio for a while then bath time.
7.00pm - dinner time.
Around 7.45 - Hubby and I arrive. Then when it's time to leave, we go through a pretty standard routine : 1. I announce that it's time to go home. 2. She cries and says "I don't want to go home. I want to stay here". 3. I say, "Ok....Mummy going to leave now. You can stay here". 4. She cries some more. And says "Mummy wait.... must big hug Ah Kong/Ah Ma first". 5. I wait for the hugs to be completed. 6. We leave together. Happy mummy, happy Elyssa. (probably happy grandparents too.... can get some respite from the little monkey before the routine starts again the following day. he he)
Around 8.30pm - Back home. Play for a while.
Around 9pm - Go upstairs to drink milk (diluted since she just had dinner) and wind down.
Around 9.30pm - Zzzzzzz
Some photos I took recently:

Around 7.45 - Hubby and I arrive. Then when it's time to leave, we go through a pretty standard routine : 1. I announce that it's time to go home. 2. She cries and says "I don't want to go home. I want to stay here". 3. I say, "Ok....Mummy going to leave now. You can stay here". 4. She cries some more. And says "Mummy wait.... must big hug Ah Kong/Ah Ma first". 5. I wait for the hugs to be completed. 6. We leave together. Happy mummy, happy Elyssa. (probably happy grandparents too.... can get some respite from the little monkey before the routine starts again the following day. he he)
Around 8.30pm - Back home. Play for a while.
Around 9pm - Go upstairs to drink milk (diluted since she just had dinner) and wind down.
Around 9.30pm - Zzzzzzz
Some photos I took recently:
Fun time at the patio with Justin Koko in the evening
I asked Elyssa & Justin to smile for the camera and this is what I got.
So sweet...... I absolutely love this photo!
So sweet...... I absolutely love this photo!
Yup, one moment they play, then the next moment they fight like cats n dogs, then they play again like best friends !!! ;)