Instead of playing with the texture of her new book, she prefers to eat the pom-poms...
Babies have a mind of their own!
"Starting position"
"But wait, must stop and smile at the camera first"
She was sleeping soooo soundly. She remained fast asleep even after we unloaded all the shopping bags. (she's normally a light sleeper) Yipee yay!
Since she can be comfortable in the seat, the must-sit-in-car seat rule is officially on!
Well, I'm glad that it was a successful exposure to rusk :)
1. Weight - 9.2kg
2. She can crawl very fast now, especially is she sees something that she wants. Quite a few times, I saw her crawl swiftly to her 2+ year old cousin Justin koko then grab whatever toy that was in his hand. This girl can be really aggressive!
3. New food items that have been introduced to her - green peas, pumpkin, purple cabbage, "kei chi" and yoghurt. Fruits that I've let her licked (to tease her tastebuds) - apple, orange, dragon fruit, papaya, banana, pink guava and pomelo. Not surprisingly, she just loved everything.
4. Likes to pull herself up to standing position
5. Doesn't like to sleep. If she has her way, she'll just play all day.
6. Still can't sleep through the night, despite much "training" from mummy and daddy.
7. Prefers plastic items over soft toys.
ZZZZZzzzzzzzz again
So I adjusted her position, and again she woke up and protested. And AGAIN she fell asleep soon after in a similar position. I adjusted her (3rd time!) and this time I was successful. Phew! She had a good nap and only woke up when were almost done with our dinner.
The Balcony
The resort stay also comes with various free activities:
1. 2 hours of kayakking
2. 2 hours of fishing
3. 50 balls at the aquating driving range
4. 2 hours archery
5. 2 hours bicyle rental
In the "pre-baby" days, hubby and I would have happily participated in those activities, but this time we didn't even do a single one but instead spent quite some time in the well equiped childrens room!!
"Shall I pick a yellow ball or green ball??"
"Hmm.... mebbe a blue one instead" "Mummy, why am I in a basket??"
"My daddy built this house just for me"
While Elyssa was playing with the balls, I saw hubby building a house with the giant colourful building blocks. He kept saying that it was for Elyssa but I could see that he was really enjoying himself. Ha hahh..I think the big kid was the one "playing" with the building blocks. Elyssa only sat in the house for 2 minutes for us to take some photos.
We originally wanted to drive out to Batu Gajah but ended up having both afternoon tea and dinner at the resort. We had slow leisurely walks around the resort with Elyssa on her stroller. Also went for a nice body massage at the spa after dinner. Aaah.... bliss.
The following day, we went to Ipoh after checking out from the resort. Same old routine everytime we go there - food at Kong Heng, coffee at Nam Heong, drive-by my old house (my parents stayed there for >30 years before moving to KL about 2 yrs back), visit hubby's grandma etc etc.
We headed back to KL around 6pm. It was just a short holiday, but a nice one. :)