What we bought for her-

1. VTech Elephant Stacking Wheel - RM 79.90
2. Bruin Busy Wheeler - RM 26.95
3. Nattou Baby Elephant with Clip - RM 29.95
4. FurReal Baby Lion toy - RM 20.00
5. Pigeon Training Cup - RM 27.00
6. 3 Usborne Story books - RM 23.80 for 3
( Goldilocks & the 3 Bears, 3 Little Pigs, the Little Red Hen)
Elyssa posing with her new things -
After taking the photos, I logged on to my computer and was glued to Facebook for a while. She didn't fuss so I just assumed that she was happy playing with her new toys.
Well, I looked down after a while and realised that she wasn't playing with her new toys, but was fascinated with something else -
5 minutes later -
10 minutes later -
Hmmmm..... mebbe we should just stay away from Toys 'r Us for a while...
HAHAHA. I'm trying to stop myself and my wife from buying toys for Ryan liow. You know why? Because the best toy that he likes to play with is DADDY and MOMMY. Play us until we want to pengsan already...sigh
muhahahahaa..this is too funny. guess she prefers a simple, inexpensive water bottle eh? later, she'll go for car keys, remote controls and handphones :D when ashley was at that stage, we tried to buy her toy handphone or toy remote control but she only wanted the real ones :(
wow! you got her so many toys and books. Hopefully, all these will keep her occupied for some time. But as at now, baby Elyssa is just so captivated with the plastic bottle....so cute!!
wow..so many toys..
Hi Adrine,
thanks for dropping by my blog. Elyssa is so lucky to get so many new toys in just one day! u know, last time i always try to refrain myself from buying toys for me first child, worried that she will have lots of toys build up soon in my house. true enough, just one birthday celebration, she get lots of toys building up high in one corner of my living hall now!
Wow!~ Elyssa is so lucky!~ got so many new toys!~
Eh, Jonathan has the same Bruin Busy Wheeler that keeps in occupied while on the stroller and Pigeon training cup.
Yeah, adults "toys" are more interesting than their own toys.
she sure is one lucky girl....
wow, so many toys to keep her entertained...
well kids get bored easily with the toys (even new ones!)
i always keep rachael's toys in batches, so she wont get bored over them easily!
haha! usually the parents are the excited ones, while the kids have short attention span.
btw i have a tag for you. hop over to my blog to check it out
we only buy 1 toy at 1 time, no more no less...LOL
your girl so lucky!
She's so cute.. and chubby like my baby....btw, I have an ongoing Giveaway at my site sweetytots the prize is one month membership in an exclusive creative school, where your kids may want to learn to sing,do arts&craft, cooking, photography and a lot more. Id like to invite you to join.. But since youre an international participant, the prize will be converted to cash and send thru paypal..Please visit sweetytots for more info
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