About her -
Weight : 5.5kg
1. She smiles A LOT!!! I don't think I've seen such a smiley baby before. Just need to talk to her and she often smiles in return.
2. She's such a good natured baby. My parents often comment that she's relatively easy to look after. No need to carry her that much and she usually only cries when she's sleepy or hungry. Not too difficult to let her sleep (baby Elyssa used to scream the house down!) and once she's asleep the other 4 kids can practically bring the house down but she'll be blissfully in dreamland :)
She's the frequent holder of the "most well-behaved grandchild" award! He hee... a refreshing change from Elyssa who normally holds the award for the other end of the spectrum ;)
3. She drinks 4oz of milk every 3 hours. I'm not producing enough these days, so she gets 1 bottle of formula a day. No problems switching between breastmilk and formula.
4. Potentially another greedy girl! Once, my mum mistakenly told the maid to feed her one hour earlier than normal : Glug, glug, glug - she finished everything.
Another time, I pumped out 5oz and since I didn't have any extra sterilised bottles for storage, I gave the whole amount to her : Again, Glug, glug, glug, she finished everything.
5. She smiles when she wakes up in the morning. A wonderful start to our day!
(Baby Elyssa used to cry if we don't pick her up immediately. Till today, she cries if we don't give her attention the moment she wakes up)
6. Last weekend, our contractor took one look at her and said "Oh, her eyes are droopy. She just woke up issit?" Oh dear! Nope.....she was wide AWAKE at that time. Not the first time we received comments like that either. Erin's eyes are rather small, especially in comparison with Elyssa who has huge and beautiful eyes.
7. She sleeps around 10+pm until around 7am. Wakes up once (occasionally twice) for milk. She doesn't take much though - just suckles for a little while then falls back asleep.