Erin's Ticker

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Elyssa's Ticker

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, September 10, 2021


Managed to catch some sweet lil moments of my 2 monkeys :-) 

These days, they tend to  stop whatever they are doing together when they me taking pics, so I'm glad to have taken these!  

Thursday, July 1, 2021


Took me a while to realise that Erin hardly gets any exercise during MCO time.  She walks to and from my parents house but that's pretty much it.  No more evening walks and playground time. 

I don't have to worry about Elyssa cos she gets more than exercise from her online gymnastics class. 

Gotta keep reminding Erin to get some exercise into her routine! 

Photo from last weekend - 

Little girl following a simple workout from Youtube 
Big girl stretching for her gymnastics class
Little boy being a busy-body as usual  :-)


MCO again.  Stuck at home again. 

But am glad we have another member of the family to be stuck at home with ! 

Introducing.... our little Cooper Boy 

His first morning at our home 

So fat and furry now 

Our little furry darling 

Got him from a friend's friend's friend who had to let this fella go due to his strict condo management rules. Don't worry little boy... you will continue to be loved! 

Key dates (which I keep forgetting, so better put it down here):

       * Date we got him :  5th March 2021

        *His birthdate : 20 Sept 2020

He's super greedy, super adorable, super naughty and also a super sweetheart ! 

A little about his character -

1. Loves to take little objects in his mouth - Top favourite : socks, underwear, scrunchies.

2. Almost every time we're at the dining table - we look down on the floor, and there he is. 

3. He loves following us around but when we try to lift him up, he doesn't like it and tries to run away.  But too bad.....  he's far too cute and we carry him around anyway! 

4. Sleeps a LOT !  Can see his full routine when we WFH.  He naps at favourite spot A, walk around a bit, then naps at favourite spot B, then play a bit, then favourite spot C and so on.  What a good life. 

5. Favourite toys : Kitty and Teddy. 

6. Favourite past time (when no one is looking) : Rummaging through the rubbish bin. 

7. Level of usefulness in the house : NIL.    haha.   

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Cookie Assistant

Got myself a Cookie Assistant for my CNY cookies recently.

Job Description : Place chocolate chip into center of cookie
Job Level : Easy 
Job Training : Non required 

Time to do performance review of my assistant. Managed to take some photos while she was working -

Busy at work

Eat chocolate chip 

Work again 

Eat again 

 Other points to take note of: 

1. When I asked her whether she washed her hands - she replied Oops!  Giggled and then went to wash her hands.

2. Disappeared after working on 2 trays of cookies.

3. Some cookies ended up with  no chocolate chip in center. 

Result of performance appraisal ??     Haiyoh....... fail la.  I need a new assistant next year  :-) 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021

Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021 !!

Oh what a year 2020 was.  It started off like any normal year.  

We were in Ipoh this round. Impromptu trip where we were supposed to spend 2 nights (hubby woke up in the morning and said, "lets go Ipoh!") and then decided to extend another night (impromptu part 2!).  I was only to start my new job on Jan 6th, he was on leave, girls haven't started school yet.... so why not. 

Ushered in the new year by watching fireworks display @ Lost World of Tambun, Ipoh

First family photo of 2020 

Went on with the hustle and bustle of life.  Changed Erin's school in February, as it became clear that she was pretty lost in her old school. 

We were aware of the virus situation in China around CNY time, followed the progress through the weeks but I guess it only really hit hard when "lockdown" was first announced in mid March. Oh the mayhem that ensued...!  Both at home and at work.  It felt so strange to wear a mask. Felt strange to queue up for groceries, wear plastic gloves and then snap grocery items up without even thinking twice. All the uncertainties at work.  Dealing with everychanging and unclear SOPs. Trying to answer questions, stay afloat and formulate strategies in an unfamiliar landscape. 

Things somewhat stabilised around mid-year. There were still challenges and bumps, but hey we survived!  

Immensely grateful and blessed that despite it being a pandemic year, I can still consider 2020 a good year for us.  Work wise, it's wayyyyy better than the previous year. Weight wise, well let's not go there ;-)   And I can't believe Elyssa is no longer a primary school kid!  I'm definitely a proud (banana) mama that she did so well in her 6 years in a chinese school 

Let's see, managed to go to quite a few local holidays this year- 

Pangkor Laut Resort in July 2020
Omg - love, love, love this place! I guess we've never gone there before cos of the "for that price, I might as well go overseas" thinking. lol. 
Will definitely want to go there again one day. 

Sungai Lembing in August 2020 
Completely different from our Pangkor Holiday!  But a trip we enjoyed very much too. 

Genting in August 2020 
Celebrated Papa's birthday up in Genting this year :-) 

WEIL Hotel in Ipoh, December 2020 
Elyssa didn't want to miss her gymnastics classes.  So it was just Hubs, Erin and I. 

Mangala Resort and Spa in Gambang, Kuantan, December 2020
Wanted to be away from crowds so splurged a little on a villa with private pool.  It was also a celebration of our 15th wedding anniversary  :-) 

Some staycations too -

Majestic Hotel in KL 

Stripes Hotel in KL 

Not too bad for a pandemic year! (Note : Covid SOPs were followed at all times!  Holidays were during the more relaxed MCO phases). 

I guess Covid pretty much dictated our lives in Year 2020.  By end of the year, everyone was like let's get it over and done with.  Well, it's coming to end of January 2021........ and Covid is still very much around and probably will stick around for a while. 

Ah well, whatever it is, life goes on and we march steadily on.  
And as I say every single year - Bring it on 2021 !