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Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, January 20, 2014

Elyssa's First Dental Visit

On the last week of 2013, I did my usual year end thing - use up dental allowance  :-)
Last year, I brought Elyssa along. She sat on the sofa in the treatment area while the dentist worked on my teeth (thus, she saw and heard the whole procedure). This year, I casually told her the day before my appointment that the dentist will check her teeth as well. Surprisingly, she said ok!
Getting her teeth checked
She was so brave! She was a bit scared but still opened her mouth wide for the dentist.
A far cry from her mummy who had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the dentist and who clamped her mouth shut on the dentist chair.  hehe.

Scaling procedure
No cavities at all!  Phew.  Dentist did some light scaling. My mum commented when we got back - why on earth does she need scaling on her milk teeth???  Err.....true also hor. And got charged RM 50 for that.
Another little milestone for my Elyssa!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Hello 2014!

Happy New Year!  It's 2014 already???  And half of the first month of the year gone already???

Time really goes super duper fast!
Overall, 2013 was a great year. Personally, it was a year of breaking lots of my own perceived boundaries. The feeling of being able to achieve what I set my mind to do was absolutely liberating and amazing.
I was a tad disappointed the year didn't end with a big bang I was hoping for (and no, it's not baby #3!!). So ok, I may not get be able to achieve everything I set my mind to do after all, but hey, life is also about picking oneself up from the little bumps on the road right? Most important thing is the right attitude and confidence to forge ahead.

So, bring it on 2014!  I'm all ready for a great year ahead  :-)

Photos taken during the first week of 2014:

Elyssa - She was so excited to return to kindy. 

Erin -  this girl moves around so much, this is the only decent photo I have of her!

Flashback: (oops, much shorter one this year!)

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Elyssa's view about ....... Killing Snails

What she told me just now:

Elyssa :   When you see a baby snail, don't kill it ok? Because the baby snail is probably looking for the mummy.
Me : Uhmm...ok.
Elyssa  :  Actually, when you see a adult snail, you also don't kill it. Because if you kill the adult snail, then the baby snail cannot find the mummy.
So, if you see any snail, just let it go. Ok?
Me : Ok, princess.

I just couldn't stop myself from smiling.  Absolutely love her view about this  :-)
(And no, I have NOT been on a snail killing spree.  Not really sure what prompted this. hehe)

Aaaaaahh...... the carefree innocence of a kid!