About her:
1. Weight : 13.6kg
2. Sometimes a good jie-jie, sometimes a bad jie-jie to her two baby cousins. When she's good, she plays with them and loves to "help" them by propping up their milk bottles, fetching stuff etc. When she's bad, she takes away whatever toys they are playing even if it results in crying babies :( I think it's a way for her to seek attention.
3. When she poos in her potty at home, she must take a small book to "read". Why? So she can be just like mummy. Ha ha!
4. Her mouth is still like a leaky tap. She has never stopped drooling since she was a baby.
5. She enjoys pushing her little stroller around when we go out to shopping centres.
What amuses me most is that she likes to imitate what we do. I've heard her say to her little Miss Sunshine toy : "Must be good girl ok? Sit in stroller. Cannot pao-pao." Sometimes, she stops to carry her toy - "Aiyo, you naughty girl. Why you cry? Elyssa pao-pao leeetle while only. Cannot too long. Afterwards Elyssa hands tired. Little while only ok? Later you must sit down". or sometimes : "Little Miss Sunshine - you see the cat there? So cute hor?"
Ha haa....... very similar to what we have told her last time.
6. She's very much at a Miss Copy Cat stage. Many times, we ponder about her behaviour before realising that's exactly what we do sub-consciously. I guess she's silently observing us all the time!
7. My mum has started to teach her Mandarin. She now knows basic Mandarin phrases like "I want to drink milk", " go wash hand" , "I want to poo poo", body parts in Mandarin and counting from 1 to 10. Pretty soon, she'll be better than her daddy :)
She's cute la
Very cute girl..
Love her smile!
Cutenesss!! esp in the things she say... so how's your mandarin coming along?
The reading the book while at the throne...is an interesting trait! Very cute!
sooooooo adorable.
LOL, she is indeed a fast learner!
she will always say "ta pih khoo" (bit backside) if justin comes back from school with still a lot of water in his bottle...:-)hahaah....
more of than not, kids does imitate what we say to them. justin does it most of the time and sometimes i feel so guilty of watever bad things he picked up. kids does makes us a better person sometimes...
Irene - my mandarin is going on steady but slowwwwwwwww ;) so many characters to remember! and i keep mixing them up!
Cat - ha ha... yes, the "ta pih khoo' part is really funny! she is so excited when she gets to say that!
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