About her :
1. Weight - approx 10.5 kg
2. Elyssa's still not really talking yet. Most of the time, she babbles away in her own baby language. Some of words she can say :
"Ah MAAAah" (For my mum. She says this in a high pitch affectionate tone) , "book", "bubble" , "J" (she picked this up when my mum was teaching cousin justin "J for Justin". now she refers to all alphabets as "J".) Have also heard her saying "koko", "kakak", "gate" though not sure whether that was a fluke or not.
I'm still waiting for the magic word...... "Mummy" !!!
3. Although her spoken words are limited, she understands a lot of things we say. eg : "give item xx to person xx", "put your clothes in the laundry basket", " keep your toys".
4. She relies on a combination of grunts and hand actions to express herself.
eg: she'll pat a particular chair if she wants us to sit on it.
she'll pull our hand and go "ugh ugh" if she wants us to go to a particular place
she'll point to her "poo poo" bag (where my mum keeps the diapers, wipes and changing mat) when she has pooed.
she'll point to the tissue paper/rag if she wants us to wipe something.
5. One of her favourite action is to shake her head meaning "no".
6. Surprisingly, she's now ok to sit in her car seat. Last time, she used to struggle so much that I couldn't even strap her in. I finally gave up and just held her in my arms. One fine day, she suddenly patted the car seat to indicate that she wanted to sit. Really surprising! She still can't sit quietly for long though so I still need to entertain her with books, toys, songs and silly gestures.
7. We still can't figure out why she cries when it comes to bath time at my parents place. These days, I give her a shower before I send her over in the morning. She doesn't give me any trouble at all. I'll strip her in the living room then I just walk over to the bathroom, while saying "Come. Time to pom pom". She'll obediently walk to the bathroom and place her hands against the side of the bathroom wall - all ready for her shower. (we stopped using the bath tub > 2 months ago. my mum thought her to put her hands against the wall so that she won't fall. I still think it's a pretty amusing position. Reminds me of a prisoner being given a hose-down before being placed in a prison cell!)