Went to FRIM in Kepong last weekend. Hubby and I wanted to go for outdoor morning exercise and that was the best option available. It's pretty far for us, but the main advantage is that the path is very well shaded by the trees. Really important cos by the time we get Elyssa and ourselves ready in the morning, it's usually quite late! And I've always loved the greenery at FRIM.
By the time we arrived, it was close to 11am. Had a quick snack at the canteen then we went on our way. Took the trail to the canopy walk but didn't hike up the 500m to the canopy walk itself. It was a nice trail and tiring too since we had to take turns to carry Elyssa.
Some photos taken -
Yup, the little princess fell fast asleep when hubby and I were panting away with the exercise! She slept when we reached the mini waterfall area (our end point) and almost all the way back.
Well, good also - better for her to sleep than to poo-poo :)
Will try to go to FRIM more often. When Elyssa is bigger next time, it'll be nice to have picnics there. Would be a refreshing change from our weekend routine which is shopping, shopping, shopping.
ahhh..FRIM is a nice place. Boy so daddy carried her all the way in and out? Must be tiring for him :D
yeah, FRIM is indeed a nice place. Really feel great after a good exercise, eh? :)
hahahaha... carrying her is THE real exercise eh? sooo cute.. beware of mozzies though...
wow so nice! my hubby has not "brought" rachael to a oark yet hahaha...he's not a morning person! *sigh*
heehee. pardon my ignorance, but where is FRIM and what is it? I love green places !
Your Elyssa's smile can charm a bird down a tree, Adrine !
wahh... u guys actually did tat? so not me and my hubby... i got infected with his lazy late mornings...
i heard that this is a good place. maybe we shall have a huge bloggers gathering there!
Hmmm didnt bring stroller? Its must be tiring for daddy. or he can use it as excuse for muscle building..hehheeheh
yes FRIM is nice. Just be careful on the mossies there. Put repellent.
Allthingpurple: FRIM is in Kepong.
Barbara - Actually, hubby and I took turns. Even then, it was very tiring!
Fussy Mum - Yup, felt really good after the exercise. Refreshing indeed.
Merryn - You got that right! Carrying Elyssa is almost like carrying a bag of rice.
Luckily no mozzie bites that day.
June - Never too late to go :)
Christine - FRIM (Forest Reseach Institute of M'sia) is a huge park/man made-forest in Kepong. If you love green places, I'm sure you'll absolutely it! It's also a well maintained and clean place. Here's a website with more info :
And thx for your sweet comment :)
Irene - Ha hahh.... nevermind,if late morning also it's ok. Can go in the evenings too.
Chin Nee - Yeah, I'm sure kids will love running around the place. But not too sure about the toilet facilities there!
Little Lamb - Don't think my stroller can stand the terrain there. I did see one family with a stroller, but I dare not risk mine.
it's definitely refreshing indeed :) good to expose elyssa to the greens!
wah...daddy carry elyssa thruout???
Kristie - Yup, a good change from shopping centres!
2ma - We took turns to carry Elyssa but I preferred the photos I took. So, no photos of me carrying her ;)
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