Erin has been having a small growth at her eye lid, kind of like a skin tag or a pimple. I was hoping that it would just fall off on its own. Unfortunately it didn't........ and it got a little bigger and it started to irritate her. Brought her to normal GP hoping the doctor can just prick at the thing. But the doctor said it was too close to the eye and he wrote a referral letter to the hospital instead.
Sigh, so off we went to an eye specialist.
Getting her height measurement first
Eye specialist said it was simple procedure but again, due to its location, she suggested doing a light GA (general anesthesia) for her. Unless I was confident that Erin won't move during the procedure. Sigh. At least a half day at hospital daycare just for a procedure that takes less than 15 minutes! Plus a much heftier hospital bill.
Told the doctor I needed some thing to talk to Erin. Had a conversation with Erin and she finally agreed to do it with just local anesthesia. Well, she also negotiated for one day without school, ice cream and a helium balloon. Hehe.
During the Procedure
I definitely cringed! Especially when I saw the cotton wool with blood. Erin was a such brave trooper throughout.
Dr injected the area, then used a blade to cut off the growth, used forceps to ensure all removed then another equipment to cauterize it.
All done !

Claimed her ice-cream reward.
2 scoops for her, 1 scoop for her jie jie.
Well done, brave little Erin !
Bill came up to RM 1,600 for the procedure. Jeez.... for 10 minutes. My medical coverage is no longer as good as before. Hopefully can claim this amount via insurance. Fingers crossed.
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