*Phoo Phoo......Blow Cobwebs*
Haven't updated this blog for more than 2 weeks already! Various reasons actually. Have been unwell lately. Cough and flu for more than a month :( So when the kids sleep at night, I tend to doze off as well. And of course, the longer I don't update this blog, the harder it is to "re-start" the engine.
So here's a quickie post to start things off again.
Presenting...... Sweet Elyssa and Erin moments:
Elyssa jie jie carefully feeding Erin
Reading books together at MPH
Fooling around at home - they love their "same-same" pyjamas!

Sharing a cup of ice-blended coffee
(uhm....or more like trying to drink Daddy's coffee as fast as they can before Daddy wants it back!)
There are plenty more sweet moments between the 2 sisters. Love, love, LOVE moments like these!
But of course, for each of these sweet moments, there are probably 10 times (or 100 times?) of the "unsweet" moments. Ha ha.! They do fight like cats and dogs A LOT! Erin is at the stage where she wants everything jie jie has. And Elyssa is at the stage where she doesn't really want to give in. So yup, pretty much a standard recipe of lots of crying and wailing on a regular basis ;-)
I love my girls' lovey-dovey fight-free moments too. Love to hear them talking nicely and giggling with each other, love them holding hands. But out of 10 fights, there are probably only 2 sweet moments in between :(
Hei...Nice to see that you didn't stop blogging. I had not been visiting for while. Today is my 5th year blogging and was sharing with some online blogging mommies that so many has stopped. Glad that you did not and looking forward to continue reading about the growth of your beautiful children. Am now in Beijing already and having a different set of adventures. My new blog is now http://babynme2013.blogspot.com since I could no longer post pictures with the last one...cheers
That is so SWEET! I hope Gwen will be a good Jie Jie like Elyssa.
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