Let's see:
First half of the year:
1. Was pregnant!
2. Took a career break for the very first time since I started working. Had really mixed feelings about leaving my old job.
3. For the first time, I stayed at home with Elyssa almost 24x7. I loved spending quality time with her but at the same time, she drove me half nuts! I ended up being really impatient with the poor girl. Blame it on the pregnancy hormones too.
4. Strangely enough, towards the end of my break, I realised I missed the rat race.
5. Had a down syndrome scare with baby Erin. That gave me the fright of my life.
6. Accepted a new job offer.
Second half of the year:
7. Welcomed baby Erin into the family.
8. Struggled with breastfeeding and milk pumping. Not 100% successful but I'm still producing (and pumping 3-4x a day) and yes, I think I deserve to give myself a pat on the back!
9. Had a maid for the very first time. Took some time to adjust to a stranger in the house + getting her used to the routine.
10. Started new job. So far so good.
11. Bought a new family house. Sold the house we stayed in since we got married.
This originally wasn't in our 2011 plan at all. Saw the house we liked and within 1.5 weeks - arranged for feng shui consultation, got the termites people to check, called up banks etc etc for the prospective new house, got 7 viewings on a Saturday for our current house and a firm offer the very next day. Everything happened so fast!
12. Adopted a new toy poodle.
Phew, what a year !!!! Personally, I feel that I have learnt and grown a lot during this year. And I feel really blessed for what I have in my life.
Photos my 2 little princesses taken on the last day of 2011 -
I'm happy to welcome in the new year as well. Plenty of exciting challenges ahead - moving to the new house, Elyssa starting school, travelling in my new job (my "immunity" had ended. I requested for no travel at all in the first 3 months of the job), seeing the kids grow etc etc..
Bring it on 2012 !!!