So, just a quick post today before I leave the office. I have a nice piece of cod fish defrosting in the fridge so I don't want to go home too late to prepare a quick dinner :)
Anyway, just wanted to post some photos taken recently during MIL's birthday.
Happy MIL with her 3 grandchildren.
Just look at Elyssa's happy face. You would think it's HER birthday !!
Elyssa just loves it when she has additional playmates
She prepared duck soup for Ku Jie. Ha ha... poor rubber duckie!!

She prepared duck soup for Ku Jie. Ha ha... poor rubber duckie!!
Then she had a blast playing ball with Pak Pak and Chloe jie jie
Happy moments ya. Elyssa is so enjoying!
What a happy bouncy girl!!!
Hope ur cod fish dish turned out yummy.Have not cooked cod before. Scared coz so mahal! :p
Should have got your daughter to play football with my Ryan...hahahaha
She is one happy happy gal....
Her smiles just brighten up the day..
Happy her smiles.
Happy time!
She is always so happy. I love looking at her photos. Mummy, you are very good at taking pics.
She is one happy gal! Just love looking at her smiling from ear to ear! Hope she'll cook duck with yam soup for me one day...must be yummy coz she's had sooooo much practice there! hehe.
Look at the pic of her kicking the ball. So the gaya.
Elyssa was definitely enjoyed herself...see, she jumped for joy till her hair all stood up, hehe!
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