About Elyssa:
1. Weight : 13+ kg
Height : to be updated
2. She is currently going through two major phases.
Phase 1 - Asserting Independence : I want to do MYSELF"
She thinks she can do whatever we adults do. Like wanting to push the luggage trolley at the airport, taking heavy bags or using keys to open a locked door. Even when we explain to her why she can't, her response is always a confident "I can". I discovered the best approach is to just let her try then wait for her next words..........."Mummy, can you HELP me please". ;)
But of course the "wait" approach doesn't work on all occasions like when she says "I want to swim myself" when she's not wearing any arm floats!
Phase 2 - Curiosity : "Why Mummy? Why? Because WHY?"
Aaarghhhh...... she can drive me nuts with her constant questions !!! Not just on things that are new to her. Hubby and I can't even laugh in the car without her saying "Why you laugh? Why you laugh at Elyssa? (Yes, she thinks everything is about her)
3. One good outcome from the recent Taiwan trip is that she stopped her nightly before-bed-milk. That used to be an unnecessary feed cos her dinner is less than 2 hours before bedtime.
We noticed that since she such a stickler to habits, the best way to break them is through a change in environment. Like how she stopped her middle of the night feed when I went to Beijing (she stayed with my parents during that week) and how she accepted the car seat when I went to US.
4. I seem to have a bossy story for almost all her monthly updates ;). Like last weekend - less than 10 minutes after I thought her how to position herself on the steps of the baby pool, she started telling me what to do "Mummy, you must put your hand like that..... yes, correct......yes, you must do like Elyssa like that".
Often at home, she likes to dictate how we sit, where we put our feet, where to put our hands etc.
5. When she is in good a mood, she can be a big show off! I was at my parents place recently when my mum's friend came for a visit. Elyssa asked me to put on a CD and started dancing in front of the visitor. And of course she loved it when everyone clapped and praised her! *roll eyes*
6. She can be a cry baby at times. Wail and wail and wail until we also want to wail. But no matter how much she is wailing she can still stop halfway to say "Yes" when we offer her food or start munching when we stuff food into her mouth.
Ok, this is unrelated but I just like this "Double Elyssa" photo. :)
Elyssa is becoming quite a little performer isn't she? How lucky of your guest to be entertained by your little dancer! It tickled me that she requested for some music accompaniment too! I like that mirror reflection pic of her. It's soooooo cool:)
A beautiful dress she got there.
Very likely she is picking after you..your speaking style, your approach, etc..
Elyssa wants to be a big gal ady! Watching their milestone it is always the sweetness thing to do.
I so love the pic of Elyssa. She is learning Mummy..and she is a smart gal. She speaks very well..I'm impressed.
She looks so lovely in the dress and the cute poses!
She's one cutie pie there... haha... like the wailing part. Like her wearing this dress...
Nice dress. Keep it for Jo Ern. :p
I think this one will have no problem with public speaking and being the boss. Takes after daddy there. Though of course he isn't as bossy as Elyssa!
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