She's happy when she jumps. Or maybe she jumps when she's happy??
Managed to record a video of the happy-jumping girl :
Sometimes when I look at Elyssa, I'm amazed by how happy she can be. It's obvious that when she's happy, she's just sooooooooo happy. If there's such a thing as a "happiness meter" I'm sure hers is much higher than mine or hubby's. Sometimes, we just wish we can learn more about the "secrets of happiness" from our 2 year old.
For a start, mebbe we can try jumping around! (well, actually we did. And had a good laugh. so i guess it does work :)
Jayden is also trying to jump now!!!!
He tried the 1st time and landed right flat on his butt! hahaha just love to jump. yeah elyssa is a happy happy girl. she has such a smiley face :D
LOL! Mommy is so supportive, I would be happy jumping too if my mommy join the beats with me!;)
My girl loves jumping on my bed, I'll see when will it tumble!:p
Have a wonderful weekend to you!
Happiness is very contagious!
can go for ballet lessons already....
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