Conversation when I was brushing my teeth this morning :
Elyssa : Mummy, Mummy...
Me : Hmmm?
Elyssa : Mummy backside SOOO BIGGG !!!
And they say kids don't lie......... I really need to go on a diet !!!!!!!!!!! :(
Friday, April 30, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
2nd Birthday Dinner
Okay..... one last (belated) entry about Elyssa's 2nd birthday.
We had an early birthday celebration with extended family members more than a week before her actual birthday. So on the weekend of her birthday, we had another one just for the 3 of us. A simple dinner at TGIF, The Curve since we thought she might like the sing-birthday-song routine by the waiters there.

But after dinner, the "torture routine" for poor Annabelle started

To our dearest Elyssa,
You have brought so much joy and love to mummy and daddy. You make us laugh with your funny words and antics. You make us smile when we feel down. You make the world stop when you look right at us and smile your beautiful dimpled smile.
And yes..... you also make our back and hands ache from carrying you. You make our ear drums hurt with your powerful screams. You test our patience with your stubbornness.
But we love you more that you can ever imagine. You have definitely changed our lives for the better and we won't trade it for the world. Our darling princess...... we love you so much.
Mummy & Daddy
We had an early birthday celebration with extended family members more than a week before her actual birthday. So on the weekend of her birthday, we had another one just for the 3 of us. A simple dinner at TGIF, The Curve since we thought she might like the sing-birthday-song routine by the waiters there.
Birthday singing session by the waiters. She wasn't too impressed!
See how gently she "sayang" the little doll ? (mummy decided on the name "Annabelle")
But after dinner, the "torture routine" for poor Annabelle started
And continued. Poor Annabelle!
To our dearest Elyssa,
You have brought so much joy and love to mummy and daddy. You make us laugh with your funny words and antics. You make us smile when we feel down. You make the world stop when you look right at us and smile your beautiful dimpled smile.
And yes..... you also make our back and hands ache from carrying you. You make our ear drums hurt with your powerful screams. You test our patience with your stubbornness.
But we love you more that you can ever imagine. You have definitely changed our lives for the better and we won't trade it for the world. Our darling princess...... we love you so much.
Mummy & Daddy
Friday, April 23, 2010
2 Years Old
I wrote about Elyssa's 2nd birthday celebration and her 2nd birthday photoshoot, but I missed out on her monthly update. So this is quite belated, but I guess better late than never!

About Her-
1. Weight : approx 12kg
2. She's off diapers now except for sleep time and when we go out. No pee accidents for a long time now. Good $ savings for us :)
3. Food wise, the days of no-seasoning, no-oil porridge are unfortunately over. She wants to try out everything we eat so my mum has given up cooking separately for her.
4. Her vocab has improved a lot these days. She can just talk and talk...... so her new nickname is "Miss Zhi Zhar Poh" (Miss Talkative) !! Some days, I wish I can just buy some tape and tape up her mouth. he he. Meal times can be very noisy with "I want fish, I want chicken, I want tau foo, I want vege, I want rice etc etc with hardly any break in between.
5. For the past few weeks, our nightly going-to-bed routine involves crying on her part. Why? Cos even long after the lights have been switched off, she just talks and talks non-stop. It often ends with me saying "Elyssa, keep quiet" followed by her crying and then zzzzzz..
6. She's as bossy as ever.
7. What does she say when someone says something she doesn't like? "Don't Talk" When we tell her that's rude, her tactic is to go the next person and say "Tell xyz, Don't Talk". Really don't know where she got that from! We reprimand her each time she says that, she stops but it doesn't prevent her from using it again in another situation.
8. She started using the word "because" lately : eg "Mummy hands tired because mummy carry Elyssa. Because Elyssa soooo heavy". "Ah Mah buy dress for Elyssa because Ah Mah love Elyssa".
9. She has learned the power of the magic word "please". It's so hard not to give in when she says "please, please, please" and then flashes her big smile with her dimples.
10. She still loves to be carried. Just changed tactic from saying "no leg" to "mummy, carry leeeetle while only. leeeeetle while only". Her "leeeetle while only" is always with the same singing tune, a big dimply smile and with hands stretched out to me. Haiyoh......she really knows her way to mummy's heart!
11. These days, she has a tendency to fall fast asleep in her car seat. If not, she talks and sings to herself. Yippeee yay..... such a vast improvement compared to the kicking and screaming days not too long ago. Now I don't dread car journeys anymore :)
About Her-
1. Weight : approx 12kg
2. She's off diapers now except for sleep time and when we go out. No pee accidents for a long time now. Good $ savings for us :)
3. Food wise, the days of no-seasoning, no-oil porridge are unfortunately over. She wants to try out everything we eat so my mum has given up cooking separately for her.
4. Her vocab has improved a lot these days. She can just talk and talk...... so her new nickname is "Miss Zhi Zhar Poh" (Miss Talkative) !! Some days, I wish I can just buy some tape and tape up her mouth. he he. Meal times can be very noisy with "I want fish, I want chicken, I want tau foo, I want vege, I want rice etc etc with hardly any break in between.
5. For the past few weeks, our nightly going-to-bed routine involves crying on her part. Why? Cos even long after the lights have been switched off, she just talks and talks non-stop. It often ends with me saying "Elyssa, keep quiet" followed by her crying and then zzzzzz..
6. She's as bossy as ever.
7. What does she say when someone says something she doesn't like? "Don't Talk" When we tell her that's rude, her tactic is to go the next person and say "Tell xyz, Don't Talk". Really don't know where she got that from! We reprimand her each time she says that, she stops but it doesn't prevent her from using it again in another situation.
8. She started using the word "because" lately : eg "Mummy hands tired because mummy carry Elyssa. Because Elyssa soooo heavy". "Ah Mah buy dress for Elyssa because Ah Mah love Elyssa".
9. She has learned the power of the magic word "please". It's so hard not to give in when she says "please, please, please" and then flashes her big smile with her dimples.
10. She still loves to be carried. Just changed tactic from saying "no leg" to "mummy, carry leeeetle while only. leeeeetle while only". Her "leeeetle while only" is always with the same singing tune, a big dimply smile and with hands stretched out to me. Haiyoh......she really knows her way to mummy's heart!
11. These days, she has a tendency to fall fast asleep in her car seat. If not, she talks and sings to herself. Yippeee yay..... such a vast improvement compared to the kicking and screaming days not too long ago. Now I don't dread car journeys anymore :)
Sunday, April 18, 2010
New Blog Header
For about a year, this has been my blog header. I still like the design - pink, girly and simple.

The featured photo was from her 1st birthday photoshoot. After her 2nd birthday early this week, I wanted to update the photo from her latest photoshoot. Then I thought since I was going to update the photo, I might as well update the blog header design as well.
So yesterday, I played around with Scrapblog and then posted this up. Something simple and fresh -

But hubby complained that it was too simple. So a few hours ago, we sat down together and produced this -

Nice? Definitely more fancy than my original design.
It was fun to do this together - choosing background, stickers, font size, positioning, colour, size, rotation etc. I like the end result but when I take a step back, I can't help thinking that it could be a little too "grown-up" for a blog mainly about a girl who has just turned two.
What I really like is the tiara. Really suitable cos everytime I am in front of the home computer, Elyssa pesters me by saying "I want to see princess" meaning she wants to see herself in the korean costume! I'm sure she'll love it when I show her the new header tomorrow! :)
But still not 100% sure about the new design yet. Maybe it just takes time to get used to it. Maybe I'll create a new one. Will see how it goes.
For now, I just can't help looking at the clock. 11.45pm on a Sunday night. Bleahh... the work week is about to start again.
Blog Header 1

The featured photo was from her 1st birthday photoshoot. After her 2nd birthday early this week, I wanted to update the photo from her latest photoshoot. Then I thought since I was going to update the photo, I might as well update the blog header design as well.
So yesterday, I played around with Scrapblog and then posted this up. Something simple and fresh -
Blog Header 2

But hubby complained that it was too simple. So a few hours ago, we sat down together and produced this -
Blog Header 3

Nice? Definitely more fancy than my original design.
It was fun to do this together - choosing background, stickers, font size, positioning, colour, size, rotation etc. I like the end result but when I take a step back, I can't help thinking that it could be a little too "grown-up" for a blog mainly about a girl who has just turned two.
What I really like is the tiara. Really suitable cos everytime I am in front of the home computer, Elyssa pesters me by saying "I want to see princess" meaning she wants to see herself in the korean costume! I'm sure she'll love it when I show her the new header tomorrow! :)
But still not 100% sure about the new design yet. Maybe it just takes time to get used to it. Maybe I'll create a new one. Will see how it goes.
For now, I just can't help looking at the clock. 11.45pm on a Sunday night. Bleahh... the work week is about to start again.
Monday, April 12, 2010
2 Years Old Photoshoot
We wanted a photoshoot for Elyssa's second birthday. Just a simple one (had a proper professional shoot for her first birthday) so we ended up at Ikano Power Centre last night.
Original package was RM68 for 4 printed pictures with 2 outfit changes. But we learned halfway during the shoot that it EXCLUDES soft copies. Our mistake for not asking earlier. Additional costs were something like RM8 for each soft copy and RM12 for each additional pose.
After the photoshoot and selection of photos, we ended up with a negotiated fee of RM100 for 7 poses without printed copies but with soft copies. Ok lar.... not too bad. Still much cheaper than the shoot for her first birthday.
So, here are the 7 poses that we selected :

Outfit 1 - Korean Dress
When she saw the photos on the computer, she pointed and said "That one Princess" ;)

Cheeky Look (ha hah.... this is probably closest to her "real" self !!!)

Choosing the first outfit was an easy choice cos I immediately liked the Korean costume. But for the second outfit.... I searched the racks three times and still couldn't find anything I like. There were elaborate princess dresses, cowgirl dresses, ladybug outfits etc. I've never been a fan of little kids in fancy outfits so I told the photographer I will just not have a second outfit. She convinced me to just pick something since it was already included in the package anyway. So, just for laughs I picked up a Hawaiian costume for her.
I ended up liking it !!! A little corny I know, but I just can't help smiling everytime I see the photos :)

One thing about having a photoshoot in a public area is to be thick-skinned. I was pretty engrossed in getting Elyssa to smile (tickling, making funny noises/faces and bribing her with biscuits is no easy task!) . Halfway through, I heard voices behind me. I turned around and was pretty shocked to see a small crowd looking at us and cheering her on. Errrr?????? Have to be thick skinned and just ignore the crowd!
Overall, I am happy with the photoshoot. Only regret is not taking a family photo cos hubby refused to. Should have tried harder to convince him! Will take a note of that for next year...
Original package was RM68 for 4 printed pictures with 2 outfit changes. But we learned halfway during the shoot that it EXCLUDES soft copies. Our mistake for not asking earlier. Additional costs were something like RM8 for each soft copy and RM12 for each additional pose.
After the photoshoot and selection of photos, we ended up with a negotiated fee of RM100 for 7 poses without printed copies but with soft copies. Ok lar.... not too bad. Still much cheaper than the shoot for her first birthday.
So, here are the 7 poses that we selected :
Own Dress
I like the simple n natural effect
I like the simple n natural effect

Outfit 1 - Korean Dress
When she saw the photos on the computer, she pointed and said "That one Princess" ;)
Innocent Look

Cheeky Look (ha hah.... this is probably closest to her "real" self !!!)

Sweet look (very deceiving indeed !!!)

Choosing the first outfit was an easy choice cos I immediately liked the Korean costume. But for the second outfit.... I searched the racks three times and still couldn't find anything I like. There were elaborate princess dresses, cowgirl dresses, ladybug outfits etc. I've never been a fan of little kids in fancy outfits so I told the photographer I will just not have a second outfit. She convinced me to just pick something since it was already included in the package anyway. So, just for laughs I picked up a Hawaiian costume for her.
I ended up liking it !!! A little corny I know, but I just can't help smiling everytime I see the photos :)
Outfit 2 - Hawaiian Costume

One thing about having a photoshoot in a public area is to be thick-skinned. I was pretty engrossed in getting Elyssa to smile (tickling, making funny noises/faces and bribing her with biscuits is no easy task!) . Halfway through, I heard voices behind me. I turned around and was pretty shocked to see a small crowd looking at us and cheering her on. Errrr?????? Have to be thick skinned and just ignore the crowd!
Overall, I am happy with the photoshoot. Only regret is not taking a family photo cos hubby refused to. Should have tried harder to convince him! Will take a note of that for next year...
Friday, April 9, 2010
Elyssa's 2nd Birthday
We had an early 2nd birthday celebration for Elyssa last weekend since BIL's family from Singapore was in town. Similar to last year, it was nothing fancy - the plan was good food with family members.
Hubby and I ordered her birthday cake from Cake Sense about a week before the celebration. Her favourite characters are Elmo, Barney, Pooh and Eeyore. Well, I didn't want a donkey on her cake so it was down to 3 choices. He heh.
Choose Pooh in the end cos the design from the cake album was the nicest. Also, hubby pointed out that in the picture, Pooh was really round and was happily eating, which really suits Elyssa. :)

We pre-ordered the food from the restaurant in Puchong. Similar to last year, when the food came on the actual day, we forgot to take photos before we attacked it. So, have to write down the menu here:
1. 4 Seasons Platter
2. Vietnamese seafood curry
3. Butter Soft Shell crab
4. Steamed Fish in Soya Sauce
5. Emperor Pork Knuckle
6. House Specialty Tau Foo
7. 3 type (chicken, duck & century) steamed egg
8. Spinach Soup
Photos taken during her early birthday celebration -

She calmed down after a while and was ready for her birthday song & candle blowing session

Hubby and I ordered her birthday cake from Cake Sense about a week before the celebration. Her favourite characters are Elmo, Barney, Pooh and Eeyore. Well, I didn't want a donkey on her cake so it was down to 3 choices. He heh.
Choose Pooh in the end cos the design from the cake album was the nicest. Also, hubby pointed out that in the picture, Pooh was really round and was happily eating, which really suits Elyssa. :)
Elyssa's Winnie the Pooh Birthday Cake
Happily showing off her birthday dress at home
We pre-ordered the food from the restaurant in Puchong. Similar to last year, when the food came on the actual day, we forgot to take photos before we attacked it. So, have to write down the menu here:
1. 4 Seasons Platter
2. Vietnamese seafood curry
3. Butter Soft Shell crab
4. Steamed Fish in Soya Sauce
5. Emperor Pork Knuckle
6. House Specialty Tau Foo
7. 3 type (chicken, duck & century) steamed egg
8. Spinach Soup
Photos taken during her early birthday celebration -
The "Chong ladies" in the family. 5 young ones and one leeetle-bit-not-so-young one ;)
Elyssa with Justin ko ko.
See her awkward angle? Poor birthday girl fell hard on her head right after this photo was taken. She bawled her eyes out :(
See her awkward angle? Poor birthday girl fell hard on her head right after this photo was taken. She bawled her eyes out :(
She calmed down after a while and was ready for her birthday song & candle blowing session
Group Picture
Qing Ming Weekend
Last weekend, we all went back to Ipoh for Qing Ming for hubby's side of the family. Two cars with 6 adults and 3 kids to his grandma's house.
I won't be truthful if I say I truly enjoyed the short 2d,1n trip to my hometown. I honestly find extended family events quite stressful at times. I know comments are always well-meaning, but they somehow have the effect of making me feel like I'm a lousy mum. Ah well..... I know I should learn not to take the comments to heart.
But of course there were plenty of good moments as well :)
Some pics from the trip:

Happy Girl in carseat. Luckily, she didn't scream like she used to. Phew!
I won't be truthful if I say I truly enjoyed the short 2d,1n trip to my hometown. I honestly find extended family events quite stressful at times. I know comments are always well-meaning, but they somehow have the effect of making me feel like I'm a lousy mum. Ah well..... I know I should learn not to take the comments to heart.
But of course there were plenty of good moments as well :)
Some pics from the trip:
Elyssa enjoying the pool at Syuen Hotel
Elyssa with her cousins - Faye and Claire jie jie
Walking around the nursery while daddy was hunting for his frangipani
It was hot! hot! hot! Need to cool down with cold drinks
Beef Noodle from Hollywood Restaurant (it's actually a coffee shop)
Front of Hollywood Restaurant
Whole lorry of mangoes! Only RM10 for 3 kg. Really cheap.
Happy Girl in carseat. Luckily, she didn't scream like she used to. Phew!
Monday, April 5, 2010
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