I started my "mini-project" about 2 weeks ago and it went smoother than expected.
First Night
She was pretty excited when she saw hubby converting her baby cot into her bed. That same night, I placed her milk & water bottle on her own bed and she happily climbed up and drank her milk& water there. But after she finished, she climbed down and proceeded to climb up to our bed as usual. Since she always wants me to pat her to sleep, I just told her : "If you want mummy to pat pat you, you go and sleep on your own special bed". "You want mummy to pat pat you"? She said "yes" and then went back to her bed. Ha hahh..... I was pretty shocked and pleased that it was so easy !!!
But it was not an easy night though. Don't know whether she wanted the thrill of it of what, she ended up demanding me to pat her like every 45 minutes throughout the night !!! It felt as if just minutes after I get back to my bed, I hear a little voice saying "pat pat". Aaaargh !!! I ended up sleeping on the hard floor next to her bed so I didn't have to keep getting up. (I asked hubby to help but she screamed when her daddy touched her, so poor mummy had to do the job)
2nd Night & rest of first week
I told hubby that I couldn't stand walking to her bed to keep patting her. We ended up rearranging the room so that her bed is right next to ours. So, if she ask me to pat her, I can just reach out from my own bed and pat her her royal highness :)
Anyway for Day 2 onwards, she didn't wake up as often. Don't know how though, but she somehow always ended up in our bed in the mornings!
Week 2 till now
Yay...... she sleeps through (most of the time) and wakes up in her own bed !!!!!
Although I am happy that she has "graduated" to her own bed, a part of me misses her being on my bed - smelling her sweet smell and also waking up in the middle of the night with a hand/leg/head/butt smack in the middle of my face :)
I can't help thinking of the first year of her life where she practically slept under my armpit and how I dared not move an inch so as not to wake up my super-light sleeper. I used to wake up in the morning with muscle ache due to my "frozen" position. Ha hahh....
Anyway, found an old photo of her in her baby cot. -