Happy New Year 2018!

Feels so surreal. 2017 over and done with already?? Where did all the time go?
I do wish I have been more dilligent in posting their updates! Both girls are growing up so fast.
Random sisterly shots:
Random sisterly shots:
Helping to make their breakfast - Choc chip muffins
Playing with Giant Bubbles
Playing with Make Up
They love this particular Watsons pharmacy cos there are many makeup testers
Happy with their Cookie Names!
Say Cheese!
Just walking together..
Uhmm.....more make up
They alternate between being best buddies and being worst enemies. Some days, they can play for hours and hours together - make belief play, dress up, legos, barbies, dolls, drawing etc. On weekends when one wakes up earlier than the other, that one will somehow try to "accidentally" wake the other up too cos it's more fun to have a playmate.
Yet there are days when they start squabbling the minute they see each other. I guess sisters will be sisters!
2017 also marked the last year of Erin being in kindy. I mentally marked off each major kindy occasion of the year - sports day, concert, grand graduation and then her last day of wearing kindy uniform. When we bought her Primary 1 uniform/shoes/socks/bag for her pre-orientation session in end Dec, I couldn't help getting all teary thinking "my little baby is growing up so fast!!"
Overall, I must say 2017 was a good year indeed. Work part was good too. I survived 2 years in my current position! haha. Things did get a lot better after the first year. And it is extremely gratifying that one of my recognised strengths at work is something that comes pretty naturally to me. (as opposed to other strengths that typically comes with loads of hard work!)
As with any year, there were ups and downs but definitely more ups. Family, career, health, friends etc etc.... plenty to be grateful about!
Looking forward to an awesome 2018 ahead :-)