Happy 2017!
Well, it's 3 weeks into the new year but somehow my mind is still stuck in 2016. Didn't we just have Christmas and year end holidays?!
I think I really need to have a "Hello New Year" post to kick start the year.
As usual before I look forward to the new year, I need to reflect back on 2016.
2016, oh 2016. What a year it has been! I've got to admit, 2016 was a little bit of a selfish year for me. Why selfish? Cos after 8+ years of putting the kids way upppp highhhhh on my priority list, I decided to push myself up the list. Yup, ME. Wasn't purely intentional at first. I started my new job in Dec 2015 so naturally the full swing came in 2016. I poured my heart and soul into my job, which proved to be the toughest one in my career. They were times when I felt small, felt incompetent, felt like I wanted to give up, times when I literally broke down and cried, yet.... there were times when I felt on top of the world, that I never even knew I had it in me to do the things I've done and then part curious to see what else I can do. So work wise, it was tough but also amazingly (exhausting) and satisfying!
I started to have a new focus as well which was on my fitness regime. Again, not quite planned but it was a natural flow. New job, so decided it was a good time to change image a bit. Bought new dresses and had to stay fit in order to be able to wear them (and buy more. hehe)
Was contemplating whether to post the photos below. But since I have short term memory, I decided I should just post. Small, small tho. :-)
Continued running too. Just checked my FB - I participated in 8 runs in 2016 of which five were 21km. (MWM, UEM, Stand Chart, PJ Half, Putrajaya Night Run). Not too bad!
Ok, so that's a lot about ME for 2016. Girls of course still high on the priority list (if any it's poor hubby that got downgraded a bit. Note to self - need to give him more TLC!). I keep telling myself that I should not be a helicopter parent anyway (ok, or it's just the guilty working mama talking) and that they will be just fine.
Lucky to have a bunch of friends around the same age within our neighbourhood
So many things to be grateful about! Sometimes I complain about a lot of things. Things do go wrong, but I must take stock and look at the multiple things that are RIGHT. My new word for the year - gratitude.
Other random photos taken in 2016 :
One of our baking sessions
Thank you 2016 for such an amazing year!
2014 : http://elyssachong.blogspot.my/2014/01/hello-2014.html
2013 : http://elyssachong.blogspot.my/2013/01/happy-new-year-2013-already.html
2012 : http://elyssachong.blogspot.my/2011/12/goodbye-2011-hello-2012.html
And Hello 2017!
Snapped Elyssa's photo from the car, when I dropped her off at school on the first day. She couldn't even stop for 2 seconds for me to snap the photo! I didn't even realise it until a friend commented on FB - just look at the determination and confidence in her. Love it, love it, love it! Well, it's 3 weeks into the new year but somehow my mind is still stuck in 2016. Didn't we just have Christmas and year end holidays?!
I think I really need to have a "Hello New Year" post to kick start the year.
As usual before I look forward to the new year, I need to reflect back on 2016.
2016, oh 2016. What a year it has been! I've got to admit, 2016 was a little bit of a selfish year for me. Why selfish? Cos after 8+ years of putting the kids way upppp highhhhh on my priority list, I decided to push myself up the list. Yup, ME. Wasn't purely intentional at first. I started my new job in Dec 2015 so naturally the full swing came in 2016. I poured my heart and soul into my job, which proved to be the toughest one in my career. They were times when I felt small, felt incompetent, felt like I wanted to give up, times when I literally broke down and cried, yet.... there were times when I felt on top of the world, that I never even knew I had it in me to do the things I've done and then part curious to see what else I can do. So work wise, it was tough but also amazingly (exhausting) and satisfying!
I started to have a new focus as well which was on my fitness regime. Again, not quite planned but it was a natural flow. New job, so decided it was a good time to change image a bit. Bought new dresses and had to stay fit in order to be able to wear them (and buy more. hehe)
Was contemplating whether to post the photos below. But since I have short term memory, I decided I should just post. Small, small tho. :-)
2015 vs 2016
Not bad eh? Left photo taken around Oct 2015, right photo around Feb 2016.
Woke up at 6.00am most workday mornings to do a 30 minute workout (Body Shred 60 by Jillian Michaels)
Oct 2016
No six-pack but I'm still happy. Haven't been in this form since I got preggie with Elyssa in 2007!
Continued running too. Just checked my FB - I participated in 8 runs in 2016 of which five were 21km. (MWM, UEM, Stand Chart, PJ Half, Putrajaya Night Run). Not too bad!
Ok, so that's a lot about ME for 2016. Girls of course still high on the priority list (if any it's poor hubby that got downgraded a bit. Note to self - need to give him more TLC!). I keep telling myself that I should not be a helicopter parent anyway (ok, or it's just the guilty working mama talking) and that they will be just fine.
Lucky to have loving grandparents
Lucky to have cousins to grow up with

Lucky to have a bunch of friends around the same age within our neighbourhood
So many things to be grateful about! Sometimes I complain about a lot of things. Things do go wrong, but I must take stock and look at the multiple things that are RIGHT. My new word for the year - gratitude.
Other random photos taken in 2016 :
Photo taken during Family trip to Sekinchan
One of our baking sessions
Thank you 2016 for such an amazing year!
2014 : http://elyssachong.blogspot.my/2014/01/hello-2014.html
2013 : http://elyssachong.blogspot.my/2013/01/happy-new-year-2013-already.html
2012 : http://elyssachong.blogspot.my/2011/12/goodbye-2011-hello-2012.html
And Hello 2017!
First day of school
So far so good for both girls in school. Both settling in well. 2017 is looking good :-)
Bring in on 2017!